Illusionistic Explorations


One Size 69×40 inches (175×100 cm)

Embark on illusionistic explorations with these captivating ink paintings. The layered and complex compositions challenge perception and create optical illusions. Each artwork is an invitation to explore the boundaries of reality and delve into the realms of imagination.

1 in stock

SKU: SK-2023-0262 Category: Tags: , ,


One Size 69×40 inches (175×100 cm)

Embark on illusionistic explorations with these captivating ink paintings. The layered and complex compositions challenge perception and create optical illusions. Each artwork is an invitation to explore the boundaries of reality and delve into the realms of imagination.

Additional information

Dimensions 175 × 100 cm

69×40 inches (175×100 cm)


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